In all of the VRTEC ŠENTVID units we offer all-day programs which last up to
9 hours and include children from the age of 1 (maternity leave in Slovenia lasts 12
months) until the primary school age.
Depending on the children’s developmental characteristics, there are two main
age groups: 1 to 3 year olds and 3 to 6 year olds. Children can be grouped in
homogeneous, heterogeneous or mixed age classes, depending on their needs and
conditions in the pre-school.
Homogeneous classes include children of the same age (within the span of one year).
Heterogeneous classes include children from the first or the second age group.
Mixed classes include children of both age groups.
The daily program provides safe and healthy activities which stimulate the children’s
potential. Emphasis is also put on creating an emotionally warm environment so
that the children feel happy and loved in the nursery.
Every-day activities:
- Arrival and greeting time. Free play in small groups.
- Breakfast
- Planned program of activities. The pre-school is fully equipped with a
- selection of play and teaching materials for both indoor and outdoor play
- (art, drama play, unit blocks, manipulatives, language arts, books, music, computers, water and sand play, running, climbing, a variety of large and small
- motor activities…)
- Fruit snack
- Outdoor activities, including going for walks
- Lunch
- Rest and quiet activities
- Individual play
- Afternoon snack
- Home time, when parents arrive to collect their children.